My Superpower
Sep 03, 2019
What is your superpower and why?
Mine? Curiosity!
I love meeting new people, new organizations, learning and growing both personally and professionally. My professional work for the last twenty years has been in a leadership position. I strive to provide the support my team needs to do their best work. It is common for leaders not to ask “what supports do you need to do your best work?” I think we are afraid we can’t fulfill that need, however, we don’t always have to. That is where self-efficacy comes in. Knowing that “you” can determine what supports you need and find out how to make that happen. It is the job of a leader/therapist to provide an opportunity or support the navigation of the process to make that happen. This is the work I do in training and in therapy.
In terms of my business, I am most excited about building community! That is what I am most passionate about. I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit and would describe myself as a social entrepreneur. Whatever I do needs to have value and it needs to matter to the individual, the community and the workplace. I lead with integrity which is my highest virtue.
In years past I have run group programs in communities where employers have communicated back to me, “I know who attended your program even though it is confidential. They brought the energy, the healthy culture, and the compassion back to the workplace”.
That is my reward and that is why I do this work!
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