Know Your Worth
Apr 14, 2021
Self-knowledge is an honest assessment of who we are without self-judgment. That is the hardest part! Can you assess yourself without judgement?
Socrates could have boiled down the entire wisdom of philosophy to one simple command: Know Yourself. Do you know you? Do you know what really want?
Self-knowledge is important for one central reason: it offers us a route to greater happiness and fulfilment. We pay a high price for not understanding ourselves. When we understand ourselves we make better choices in relationships, manage money better, avoid conflict and we are more successful in life overall!
Building a solid foundation of self-worth is paramount to achieving what we want out of our life. And It starts with you! Do you know the barriers that keep you from being who you want to be.
As the poet Mary Oliver said, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
The relationship with yourself is the most important relationship in your life! Know thyself are the words inscribed above the temple of Appollo at the site of the Sacred Oracle. Socrate’s claim was that it is only in striving to come to know and understand ourselves do our lives have Meaning or Value.
Relationships with others are among the most meaningful and important things in our lives, yet often they can be difficult to navigate. We’re hardwired for connection. We long to be seen, heard, and loved but often don’t know how to get there. Whether it’s a business relationship, friendship, or family relationship, the core elements of deep connection are rooted in our personal emotional wellness.
Worthiness exists in all of us. How you develop and nourish your worth will be your anchor and guiding light throughout your life. This truly is key to caring for ourselves and for others along with living your life with authenticity, creativity, purpose, connection and meaning.
We have been inundated with self-help books, programs and media gurus on self-improvement and finding your passion; yet we have an epidemic in addiction and mental illness.
At the core of suffering and struggle is often what we know and believe about ourselves and circumstances. As a cognitive behaviour therapist, I work with individuals in peeling back these layers and exploring our worth.
if we remain in the dark about our core strengths, our struggles, our values, and our hopes for the future, we will find it very hard to live fulfilling lives. We will lack control: If we do not understand our motivations and fears.
Objective self-observation is therefore crucial for knowing both our cognitive and emotional selves.
I truly believe it is possible amid all our experiences to create conditions that will bring about change in ourselves, our relationships, and where we contribute by the knowing of the thyself. Take time to pause, reflect and connect with others in the discovery of personal growth, resilience, and empowerment.
I will leave you with a few suggestions to get started:
- Use the tools of visualization, mapping, self-inquiry, self-compassion, and meditation.
- Nourish your body, mind, heart and spiritual practice, I call these emotional nutrients.
- Explore how your life can be used toward cultivating healthy communities and connection.
- Provide opportunities for reflection, journaling and building a blueprint for your self-worth.
This will begin your path to Knowing Your Worth!
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